

We are a professional and a progressive team.

A team is not a group of people who work together.

A team is a group of people who trust each other.

Our Team

Paul Thiry (Manager OMT Skills)


Paul Thiry is a Physiotherapist and a Manual Therapist with more than 30 years of experience in private practice in Belgium. He lectures in a postgraduate Manual Therapy program at the University of Lille 2 in France and at the HELHa in Charleroi, Belgium. He is also involved in the Federal Council of Physiotherapy at the Ministry of Health in Belgium. He places his clinical and scientific skills at the service of the CeREF research centre. He participated in the NOMADe project. 

Renaud Hage


Renaud Hage is a Physiotherapist and a Manual Therapist with more than 30 years of experience in private practice in Belgium. He lectures in a postgraduate Manual Therapy program at the University of Lille 2 in France and at the HELHa in Charleroi, Belgium. He places his clinical and scientific skills at the service of the CeREF research centre. He participated in the NOMADe project. 

Frédéric Dierick


Since 2000, Frédéric Dierick has developed strong skills in research and experiment design, data collection, statistical analysis, verbal and written communication, teaching, human resource management, teamwork, and critical thinking. He has extensive experience in operating and maintaining data acquisition equipment, including motion capture systems, electro-goniometers, ground reaction force plates and instrumented treadmills, precision and maximum grip force devices, dynamic surface and indwelling EMG collection systems, and laboratory or portable oxygen uptake systems.

He participated in the NOMADe project. 

Fabien Buisseret

Physicist, PhD

Fabien BUISSERET is a Physicist (PhD in Physics, UMons, 2007). After having spent several years as a researcher in theoretical physics, he moved to HELHa in 2010. He is currently teaching mathematics and physics and is still deeply involved in research. He places his technical skills at the service of two research centers of the HELHa (CeREF and FFH) where he mostly focuses on electronics, signal processing and biomechanics.

He participated in the NOMADe project. 

Le projet NOMADe

From 2019-10-01 until 2022-12-31

Publié sur le site Web de NOMADe le 20/04/2020

Téléréadaptation et troubles neuro-musculo-squelettiques


Hallur SS, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Dierick F, Dewan B, Thiry P, Sobczak S
Three-Dimensional Spinal Position with and without manual distraction load increases spinal height.

Journal : Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. April 2019; In Press


06 July 2016

Five days of high level interventions. With 1321 delegates from 59 countries around the world, IFOMPT 2016 - Expanding horizons - was the most important conference to date for those who are interested in musculoskeletal disorders.

DYSKIMOT project aiming to develop an immersive and multitasking system for low cost and being able to record and store kinematic data for evaluation of motor dyskinesia and their therapeutic management.

OMT Skills is happy to anounce the Walloon Region approuvement of the DYSKIMOT project: a collaboration with HELHa (Higher Institute of  Louvain-en-Hainaut), FFH (Research Unit Health & Human Functioning) and CERISIC (Center of Studies and Research of the Catholic Higher Institute Industrial of Hainaut).

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